Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fast Times at Whitney High

Things in my life have suddenly accelerated.  A lot is changing (very quickly) and it is questionable whether it is all for the best.

These numerous changes are the main reason for my recent blogging absence. Oh, and I've also been playing a little bit too much Tap Fish.  How do you waste so much time on a pointless app you ask?  Good question.

So what is ch-ch-changing?  Here is the short list

1. BAD: My car "Sassy." Just paid her off as of TODAY.  So naturally, over the weekend she started acting like a real bitch.  Currently she's (hopefully) being fixed.

2. GOOD: School is done, one week from today!

3. BAD: School is done, one week from today, meaning I have piles of work to get done!

4. GOOD: Kyle and I found an apartment we love, love, LOVE and put in our application for it.

5. BAD: Still no word on whether or not we got the aforementioned apartment

6. GOOD: Training for a 1/2 marathon in August (Thanks Nate).  Yes, that is 13.1 miles.  Yes, I have lost my mind.   No, I have never run that far in my life (current record: 6 miles).  Yes, I realize I have a loooong way to go.

6. QUESTIONABLE: My job for next year.  It was posted to internal candidates: No takers.  It is now being posted to external candidates (since it is considered a "new" position).  I will be a "preferred" interview but everyone keeps reminding me someone good, great, better than me could interview.  Thanks for the reminder.  And to make me keep sweating, the interview might not take place until EARLY JULY! Ugh!

So there you go.  My stress level as of late is through the roof.  I do believe I'm always 2.5 seconds away from a heart attack.  At least I have tap least I have tap fish.