No matter how much I wish money (or lack thereof) wouldn't impact my life - it does. From day to day decisions to long-term plans, I can't get away from it.
Take Kyle's race car. Kyle has been racing for the past few years. Yesterday, his race car was officially sold. Why? Well, largely due to the fact that Kyle and I are soon planning on moving in together and truly need every last dime.
Kyle confessed to me that he would typically spend a couple hundred dollars per weekend during race season. Once, we added up how much he's probably spent over the past few years on everything race-related and the amount literally silenced me. (And that doesn't happen that often when I'm with him).
If Kyle chose to continue racing this year we simply wouldn't be able to afford to move out of our parents and in with each other. Sucks, but its true.
It is also true that had Kyle not been racing the past few years we probably could already be living together. But I never asked him to stop because I know that racing is his passion. A hobby he absolutely loves. And trust me, if there is one thing I know: it's hobbies.
Remember, I'm the daughter of a football coach. I believe that you should be able to do what you love throughout your life. I also understand that a hobby can take up lots of a person's time. But while my dad's hobby takes time, he also MAKES money from doing it. Kyle's hobby takes time and money.
The time thing I can deal with. But the money....unfortunately is another issue.
If only we had more of it! We'd be living together and #26 would still be sitting in the shop. But alas, that is not the case.
I pray that one day Kyle can race again. He seems incredibly pessimistic about that but I hold out hope. I couldn't ever imagine having to give up my passions (teaching, coaching, Harry Potter) so it sucks seeing him have to.
It is just so very sad because I know how much Kyle loves racing. I know how much his dad loves it. I know how much it meant to the two of them.
I have this annoying habit of always blaming myself for things and so while I know I didn't ask Kyle to quit and while I know for financial reasons it is a necessity, I still can't help but feel like its
I hate seeing Dave and Kyle upset.
But at the same time I feel so incredibly excited about finally (after 8.5 years) starting a future with Ky.
It's a catch-22 I guess
I just hope our future can involve a race care again. True, I still won't ever understand the fascination about watching cars go in circles and getting dirt in your teeth...but...I know it makes the person I love happy - so it makes me happy.
Damn money! Here's to hoping that one day again there will be a twenty-six in our midst (and more than that in the bank account)!
R.I.P. 26.
Maybe you can get him a matchbox racing track thing that he can race at your new place Winky.
Much to my dismay, the yellow Saturn is for sale. Although the Blue Book website laughed at me when I checked to see its worth, I am ready to accept an offer from you and Kyle to purchase it.
I know you say your poor, but the Blue Book Value of the Saturn is equivalent to a beer.
You and Kyle buy me a Busch Lite and you've got yourself a deal and a new race car for Kyle.
Don't kid yourself, the Saturn can fly. Give it about 30 seconds or so and it will hit 40 mph...but flies!
Once you accept my offer, I will pull the Saturn out of the garage. Get the car registered (since it currently isn't). Dust it off. Patch the hole in the tire. And see if it will start.
Might be best to give me a couple weeks heads up before you come to get it.
Bummer, but it will probably feel good to move out of the parent's house :)
You need to find some sponsors when it is time to put back on the racing gear and build a new #26. Get your marketing hat on and sell some advertising space
Luz - I can't even tell you how much Kyle would probably love that.
Cait - hahahahaha all I can do is laugh
Nate - My first sponsor: YOU!
Deal... I'll pay you $100 to have front & center on the hood of the car
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