Monday, March 28, 2011


No, not John Lennon style...WHITNEY style.

Today, I am coming out of hiding.  My name is Whitney and I have an overactive imagination.

For as long as I can remember, I've always resorted to my imagination to create fun.  And while most people grow out of theirs, mine seems to get stronger with time.  Is it wrong to be 24 and still imagine on a daily basis?  Sometimes I think it's not normal.

It usually starts as a "shower story" (something I make up while in the shower to pass the time).  But then it crosses over into my daily life; during drives, while with loved ones, before bed.

Because I'm word purging right now, let me give you a full breakdown of how serious this is.  The stories I create in my head are dramatic, outrageous, and incredibly elaborate.  A typical "story" I create lasts from one month to several years.  That's right, YEARS.

The longest-running of mine lasted from about the 4th grade to early high school.  I was wife to the President of the United States who was black (yes, I've always been progressive).  We were the most beloved couple on the planet.  I was continuously voted most beautiful in the world.  I was the voice behind every great song of the 90's.  But I also took it to dark places...oh yes.

I lived through a Holocaust- like experience that occurred within the White House.  (Don't you question my imagination!)  I survived trapped in a mountain after a volcano erupted.  I survived a long coma after being in a gruesome car accident (Princess Diana style...I was coping!).  I even survived 9-11.  Dramatic.  But pure genius.

It seems my story lines are always ripped from the headlines or my current interests.  Other notable story lines include:

- Me as Voldermort's long-lost American sister and best friend to Ron and Hermione.  Of course I tried to hide my past, of course Harry fell in love with me along the way, and of course I played an instrumental role in killing Vodlermort.

- Me as a tough-hitting political strategist who gets a rude and crude wheelchair bound candidate elected president, only to fall in love with him and help him learn to walk (Again, don't question my imagination!)

- Me as a poor commoner who lived on the outskirts of town (ISR, later 1st and Springfield) but traveled into town (the quad) on errands, and later met and fell in love with the prince at his castle (the Library)

- Me being kidnapped by vampires (a cross between True Blood and Twilight), falling in love with the Alex Skarsgard lookalike, and eventually both saving the vampire race and bringing peace between vampires and humans.

- Me meeting, falling in love, and having a huge wedding with Prince Harry.  Sadly, Will and Kate die in a horrific plane crash shortly thereafter,  leaving Harry and I to take the throne.  Harry is then assassinated while I'm pregnant.  Turns out, the heir to the throne wasn't was Kyles!

Yes, real life seeped into my latest story.  Mainly because I started feeling guilty that I always have to either kill Kyle off, pretend he never existed, or make him a bad person for my stories to make sense.  I have redeemed myself temporarily.  Next one, Kyle's back to six feet under.

What is really sad is this list could go on, and on, and on.  This isn't normal is it?

Ah well....I DON'T CARE.  I love being in my head, and who wouldn't?  It's a constant soap opera up there.  So if you see me with a glazed over, far away look in my eyes, I ask you to leave me alone.  I'm busy being crowned Queen of England, even if it is JUST my imagination.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lucky Lady

How did I get so lucky?  With friends like these, I can never be anything but thankful: does not matter that I'm broke.  It does not matter that I'm soon to be unemployed.  In the grand scheme of things I have a wonderful boyfriend, family, friends, and truly, TRULY a best friend who is absolutely utterly amazing.  How lucky am I?

I love you Cait!  And from the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Unemployed Whit

Welp, I got the official word today from my principal: All first year teachers are being let go.

Don't worry, I didn't cry.  I knew it was coming and also know there is a chance I'll be back at B.C. high school next year.

I was told by the principal that "he'll do whatever he can to keep me around."

But it all truly depends on numbers; how many new kids enter the school, how many Social Studies electives kids sign up for, and class size.

After talking to my department chair it looks like this:
1. The biggest likelihood is there will be the exact same number as this year: meaning I could be part-time again.
2. There is also the small chance that numbers will increase slightly resulting in me still probably being part-time, but having an extra class or two (and being paid more)
3. Finally, the small chance that numbers will decrease slightly meaning I'm out of a job.

To sum it up: No one really has a clue yet as to where I stand.  By early April I should get the official word.

So please Blog Readers I ask you this: Send positive thoughts my way, Cross your fingers for me, or Pray for me that I am asked back next year or at least get a teaching job somewhere else.

I NEED to be teaching and I need all the help I can get.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Up, Down, All Around

This past week or so has been a real roller coaster of emotions for me.

High: Soccer Season offically began!  And my team looks like we could be pretty decent.  I will keep you updated on that.

Low: Unfotunatley, I had to make a few cuts (even though it's at the Freshman level).  Having a 15 year old girl crying and begging you to let her pleassssssse have another chance is SO.NOT.FUN.  Awful experience.

High: A student I subbed for last week told me I don't look a day over 21.  Is it too early to be getting excited over age compliments?

Low: Subbing, ewwwww

High: Kyle traded in his truck (So long, Red Dragon!) for a sweet (and beautiful) Jeep.

Low: Kyle specifically told me not to "test" his panic button.  I did anyway.  I got yelled at.  Then when test-driving his jeep, his turn signals, radio, and speedometer were not working for me.  I got yelled at some more and blamed for these issues.  Side note: It was NOT my fault, his ignition starter was stuck.  Kyle apologized.  I'm still childish and want to press his Panic Button again.

High: 3 weeks until Spring Break!

Low: 3 weeks until Spring Break :(

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


No matter how much I wish money (or lack thereof) wouldn't impact my life - it does.  From day to day decisions to long-term plans, I can't get away from it.

Take Kyle's race car.  Kyle has been racing for the past few years.  Yesterday, his race car was officially sold.  Why?  Well, largely due to the fact that Kyle and I are soon planning on moving in together and truly need every last dime.

Kyle confessed to me that he would typically spend a couple hundred dollars per weekend during race season.  Once, we added up how much he's probably spent over the past few years on everything race-related and the amount literally silenced me.  (And that doesn't happen that often when I'm with him).

If Kyle chose to continue racing this year we simply wouldn't be able to afford to move out of our parents and in with each other.  Sucks, but its true.

It is also true that had Kyle not been racing the past few years we probably could already be living together.  But I never asked him to stop because I know that racing is his passion.  A hobby he absolutely loves.  And trust me, if there is one thing I know: it's hobbies.

Remember, I'm the daughter of a football coach.  I believe that you should be able to do what you love throughout your life.  I also understand that a hobby can take up lots of a person's time.  But while my dad's hobby takes time, he also MAKES money from doing it.  Kyle's hobby takes time and money.

The time thing I can deal with.  But the money....unfortunately is another issue.

If only we had more of it!  We'd be living together and #26 would still be sitting in the shop.  But alas, that is not the case.

I pray that one day Kyle can race again.  He seems incredibly pessimistic about that but I hold out hope.  I couldn't ever imagine having to give up my passions (teaching, coaching, Harry Potter) so it sucks seeing him have to.

It is just so very sad because I know how much Kyle loves racing.  I know how much his dad loves it.  I know how much it meant to the two of them.

I have this annoying habit of always blaming myself for things and so while I know I didn't ask Kyle to quit and while I know for financial reasons it is a necessity, I still can't help but feel like its

I hate seeing Dave and Kyle upset.

But at the same time I feel so incredibly excited about finally (after 8.5 years) starting a future with Ky.

It's a catch-22 I guess

I just hope our future can involve a race care again.  True, I still won't ever understand the fascination about watching cars go in circles and getting dirt in your teeth...but...I know it makes the person I love happy - so it makes me happy.

Damn money!  Here's to hoping that one day again there will be a twenty-six in our midst (and more than that in the bank account)!