A few of my favorite quotes from my students in World History today:
"Why don't we just frickin nuke Iraq and take their oil!"
"What I don't understand is, since 9/11, why haven't we just already killed everyone in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?" When I tried to explain it was not the countries that attacked us but rather a terrorist organization: "Still! It would make things easier!"
"We should just bomb them in secret and not let the world know"
"Yeah but... after Japan was bombed people went crazy. Like literally crazy. Like people are still in mental hospitals today. For real."
"Wait, we bombed Japan?"
"Why is everyone always sayin the U.S. gets involved in other countries business? Maybe THEY should keep THEIR nose out of OUR business!"
"Hey Ms. C, who was that one black person who got those black kids to make an army? They had guns?"
I LOVE being a teacher. Never a dull moment. And yes, I corrected these outrageously incorrect statements
Wait...who was the black guy who made the army and had guns?
Yeah who was that?
Ummm...never quite figured that one out. Haha, I think this student may have been combining several movies in his head?
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