These numerous changes are the main reason for my recent blogging absence. Oh, and I've also been playing a little bit too much Tap Fish. How do you waste so much time on a pointless app you ask? Good question.
So what is ch-ch-changing? Here is the short list
1. BAD: My car "Sassy." Just paid her off as of TODAY. So naturally, over the weekend she started acting like a real bitch. Currently she's (hopefully) being fixed.
2. GOOD: School is done, one week from today!
3. BAD: School is done, one week from today, meaning I have piles of work to get done!
4. GOOD: Kyle and I found an apartment we love, love, LOVE and put in our application for it.
5. BAD: Still no word on whether or not we got the aforementioned apartment
6. GOOD: Training for a 1/2 marathon in August (Thanks Nate). Yes, that is 13.1 miles. Yes, I have lost my mind. No, I have never run that far in my life (current record: 6 miles). Yes, I realize I have a loooong way to go.
6. QUESTIONABLE: My job for next year. It was posted to internal candidates: No takers. It is now being posted to external candidates (since it is considered a "new" position). I will be a "preferred" interview but everyone keeps reminding me someone
So there you go. My stress level as of late is through the roof. I do believe I'm always 2.5 seconds away from a heart attack. At least I have tap least I have tap fish.